Docs to "The Colony" by Keefer Stang (These docs are from the Mac version of this game, hope it hasn't changed too much!) "The Colony" The console lit up, illumination from below the visage of the captain of the craft who had been, up until a moment ago, sleeping on it. The sub-space radio crackled and the awakening Space Marshal yawned in reply. "We have a condition Red-2 in your sector, marshal," hissed the comlink. "Huh?" The eyes cracked opened to slits and a hand moved to open the channel. "Red-2? Where?" The dispatcher responded, "Delta 5-5. We haven't been able to raise them for several hours and their last message was rather cryptic." "Playback." "This is Commander Bagdasarian of space frontier colony Delta 5-5. We have been overrun. I repeat, we have been overru........". The recording ended in a wash of static. "That's all we've got." The dispatcher spoke with the deliberate and unemotional tone that always signified trouble. "As Regional Marshal it's up to you. We don't want anything fancy here, not another 'Ganamede Incident'. Just find out if there are any survivors and get them out. This was Settler Plot. You know...families." "Children?" "Yes." "Damn!" "Rescue any survivors and assure that whatever happened to Delta 5-5 does not happen anywhere else. You will be receiving hard copy of your orders by tele-link". The next several hours were not comfortable ones as the Armored Cruiser headed towards its destination, Delta 5-5. Images from the Ganamede tragedy filled his head and he remembered the screams of the dying. "Not again!" Suddenly the emergency console lit up. -- GRAVITATIONAL FLUCTUATION -- "Black hole!?! But there's none charted in this sector. Where - what is going on here?" -- POWER DRAIN CRITICAL -- "I've go to save power for life support." The switch flickered red then green. "Good. There's enough for a while." Suddenly, the emergency console flashed again. -- MASS IMPACT INEVITABLE -- With a resigned sarcasm that was very atypical of the common space marshal, he spoke as if to an unseen audience. "What a way to go. Welcome to Delta 5-5, jewel of the cosmos. Come, get sucked planetward by our own special black hole. See our....." Suddenly the disturbance ceased as suddenly as it had begun. "What? Black holes just don't up and walk away. What is..." -- PREPARE FOR IMPACT -- The ship hit hard - but not as hard as it would have were the emergency retros not fired at the last possible second. The impact had a much harder effect on the captain. It would be a while before he would regain consciousness. BRIEFING The DAS Armored Cruiser is the standard transport vehicle for Space Marshals in the Outpost Segment. It comes with the following standard equipment: High-Impact Carbonic Meta-Plastoid Hull Linear Output Enclosed Reactor Drive 150*i Giga HP Engines Planet Smasher Anti-Matter Detonation Device Full-Seal Dual Ported Airlocks On-Board Hydroponics Garden Living Quarters for Two Armored Space Suit (F-21) Supply and Support Facilities The DAS Cruiser is one of the most reliable space vehicles presently in commissioned service. However, if anything should happen to your vehicle, the DAS Cruiser has been equipped with the latest in high-efficiency safety devices. HULL- The hull of the DAS Cruiser should be able to withstand impacts of up to 5 Mega-Gs (gravities) with ease. This should allow for safe passage through most meteor showers and battle situations. REACTOR- The reactor used on the DAS Cruiser conforms to standard fitting specs, and also advances the state-of-the-art with several enhancements. Any serious system damage will cause the reactor to enter "Power-Down" state. In this mode the reactor core is essentially dead. It has been set so that only enough power for basic system functions and life-support will be provided. This should minimize the possibility of containment contamination and will enhance the life-expectancy of the occupants of the DAS Cruiser. (NOTE: For Gov't issue vehicles, minimal power will also be available for use of the F-21 Armored Space Suit) AIRLOCKS- The Full-Seal Dual Ported Airlocks have been designed with security in mind. Upon sustaining any severe impact stress, all airlock doors will immediately close and seal. Only by using the provided universal decoder can you unseal the decompression compartment. RETROS- If an emergency situation should result in the dramatic loss of altitude over a planetary mass, do not fear. The retro rockets included with the DAS Cruiser incorporate the latest life-saving technology. Long before actual impact, the retros should fire automatically, gently easing the craft into a 3 G "touchdown". This should be enough to eliminate all damage to the craft. After the pilot recovers, we suggest that power levels be checked as this impact will also cause the reactor to enter "Power-Down" state. F-21 Armored Spacesuit (and Installer) The F-21 Armored Spacesuit comes with the following advanced features and is designed to provide the wearer with near invulnerability in almost all "Close-Encounter" situations. Direct Contact Installation (3) Armor Types (3) Weapon Types Heads-Up View Keyboard Operation Free-Form Operation Multi-Control Universal Power Absorption Air Conditioning You can activate the installer by standing on the Contact-Pad and choosing both the armor and weapons types that you would like. Before you make your selection, be sure that your reactor has enough energy available to correctly power your weapons and armor selection. Failure to install a suit with the proper amount of energy can result in energy drain and system failure. See warning below. WARNING: DO NOT attempt to operate the F-21 Armored Spacesuit without the prerequisite amount of energy. This suit has been outfitted with a Universal Power Absorption facility. This option allows your suit to store and utilize any form of radiant energy it comes in contact with. If there is not enough energy being supplied to the suit at any time, it will resort to drawing its energy from it occupant. F-21 Heads-Up Display There are several different items which make up the F-21 heads-up display with which you need to be familiar. Support Systems Display This display presents you with the current power levels for you weapons and armor, as well as a personal health monitor. This information is presented on a logarithmic scale. In order to increase these levels, power must be supplied to the suit from an external power source ( such as an active energy matrix). Life-support enhancements will also be able to increase the users ambient health while wearing the suit. Standard operation will, of course, drain these levels. Overhead Display and Compass Your F-21 suit also comes with a simulated overhead display and compass facility. The position of the suit is always located in the center of the square overhead display. Objects in close proximity to the suit will be represented as circular objects. Relative sizing is estimated. (This unit is identical to the personal unit issued as standard equipment to all Space Marshals.) The lower circle is the integral compass. This compass is designed to fix upon the strongest magnetic source it can locate. This means that the top- most point of the compass is not guaranteed to be North, but for all intents and purposes, it can be treated as such. Viewport Controls The F-21 Armored Spacesuit comes with the most advanced and easy-to-use control system yet built into any such suit. This is the Free-Form control option. The x and y cartesian axes are utilized where the y-axis is the forward and backward velocity control and the x-axis is the left and right angular velocity control. In simpler terms, move the pointer above the crosshair and you go forward, move it under and you go backwards, move it to the left and you turn left, move it to the right and you turn right. You can also use it for any combination of the above to arc around a corner. To fire the laser while in this mode press either the spacebar or the mouse button. F-21 Movement Control The F-21 has two modes of movement control with which you should be familiar. Keyboard Control This is by far the simplest mode available and has been the standard control in all spacesuits issued in the last several years. The standard key commands are always available from any mode. These commands are: W move forward Q rotate left E rotate right S move backwards A move left D move right X look behind Z look left C look right spacebar fire laser 1-5 variable speed control(used only for keyboard control) Mouse Control Mouse Control allows you to simply ÒwalkÓ the spacesuit by pointing in the direction you wish to move. Following the guide of the ÒFree-FormÓ control axes, you should be able to guide the suit smoothly through any terrain. In this mode the mouse button activates the laser firing sequence. Firing Controls The F-21 Armored Spacesuit also has the latest in computerized system fire- power support. Two different firing modes are available to the occupant at all times. Automatic Tracking Manual Targeting Automatic Tracking Automatic tracking is the default mode setting of the F-21 Armored Spacesuit. In this mode, you need do nothing to target your opponent. Simply move so as to face your target and your Targeting Crosshair will indicate an On-Target lock. Manual Targeting Manual targeting is much more complex and requires some practice before you can become proficient with it. However, it can prove to be a much faster and even more accurate system. You will not see a targeting crosshair using this system. You will only see a large crosshair in the center of the heads-up display and the standard movement crosshair that you have been using for steering control. Using the steering control cursor, you can now not only turn, but you can turn and fire. The action of the Motion and target cursor is geared so that you are able to turn quickly and fire. Careful attention should always be paid to the fact that you are always moving the F-21 Armored Spacesuit as you are firing it. DO NOT FORGET THIS!!! There have been several accidents reported in instances where close combat fighting was required. In an attempt to turn and fire it is possible to misjudge the turning/firing arc and inadvertently fire upon friendly targets. It is because of this slim possibility that we recommend you only engage the Manual targeting control when you are in a lone combat situation, or you are in a wide combat arena. General Weapons Tips Firing is one of the most costly actions you can undertake power-wise. We have equipped the F-21 Armored Spacesuit with the capability to auto-fire, but we greatly discourage its use unless in an extreme situation. Generally, short controlled bursts are the best combat tactic. MANIPULATING OBJECTS Manipulating objects in The Colony is quite simple. While you are walking around inside The Colony you will see everything as line or solid-modeled representations. (This is the three dimensional version of the object.) In this state you can not directly manipulate these objects. In order to work with an object you must first go up to it and it will be presented in a two dimensional or bit-map mode. In this state you can work with the object. If you wanted to read what was on a computer screen, you would need to click the mouse cursor on the screen and you would then see a dialog box representing the contents of the screen. To remove the dialog box you would need to click once more on the dialog itself to remove it. If you want to open a desk drawer, the operation is just the same. Click on the drawer and it will open. If you wish to move the scissors from its current place in the drawer to the top of the desk, click and drag the item to the new location. To do this, position the cursor on top of the item you wish to move and press and hold the mouse button. Then, move the cursor, and the item, to the new location. When you release the mouse button, the item will be placed in it s new location. USING THE DECODER (this section is not included, if you need the decoder then you don't need these docs!!!) USING DOORWAYS You activate doorways in much the same manner as you do other objects. Standing in close proximity to the doorway will bring you to a two-dimensional representation of the door. To open this door you must first click on the + next to the door. This will cause the central iris of the door to open. (This is assuming that you have entered the correct code into the airlock security control panel.) You will then be presented with the door open in front of you. In order to go through the door to the other side, click the mouse in the center of the open doorway, and you will pass through the door. The captain of the craft awoke in the darkness. His head slowly began to clear. Damn! Impact must've sent the reactor into Power-Down. He looked around trying to distinguish the central control panel from the rest of the blackness. Let's just hit the lights and find out where we are. Still shaken, he switched on the lights. Now that's a whole lot better. He quietly made his way to his cabin and examined his face in the mirror. Well', he said to himself, Time to strap on the ole' six-gun and go shootin'. Got to rescue them tha'r children and save the world...again.